Friday, January 28, 2011

Cheap Rubber Backed Rugs

Here is a trick advertising that some people are using with great success. Promises to reveal a secret. This attracts the attention of potential customers and keeps you interested while you get your sales message. The headline of your ad might read:

"What nobody will tell you about ..."

"What is it that the bank is telling ..."

"The secrets about hair loss finally revealed ..."

"Two things that the tax collectors do not want you to know ..."

"Three things that keep you from achieving success ..."

Some risk more and titled something like "The World's Greatest Secret to make money ... "or something similar.

People are always interested in hearing about new products or services that provide quick and easy advantage. You could even extend your sales message promising the reader that will reveal a secret if he keeps reading until the end.

As the reader continues to read, you're going to sell the benefits of your product. At the end of the message you provide specific details of your product by showing that precisely is the secret of which you have been talking.

Do you think a little extravagant? Think how many direct mail messages, television advertisements and announcements on Web sites use this technique.


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