Saturday, May 7, 2011

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Avastin Avastin is as good as Lucentis to treat wet macular degeneration.

The results of the National Eye Institute study were released a week ago. The study, "Comparison of age-related macular degeneration treatment trials (CATT) "compared the two drugs head to head in a year long study in which about 1200 patients.

The study is important because Lucentis and Avastin are produced by the same company, Genentech. Lucentis is approved by the FDA for the treatment of wet macular degeneration, however, Avastin is the standard of care.

Lucentis has costs of 40 to 50 times more than Avastin.

In short, most retina specialists in the United States have been using the cheaper alternative as we have suspected that the two are equally effective in treating the disease, but at a fraction of the cost.

The CATT report compared the two injections in a variety of dosing schedules every four weeks versus "as needed." The results indicate that the two drugs are equally effective whether given regularly or as needed. "

The main difference between the two drugs is cost. Lucentis costs $ 2000, while Avastin is approximately $ 50 or less. Avastin is not sold directly to ophthalmologists by Genetech. capitalization pharmacies buy drugs, a chemotherapy agent, and divide it into smaller portions for injection for our use.

side effects of both drugs were similar. Both seem to be very confident after a year of study. Patients will be followed by more data on long-term security.

What does this mean?
This may be the end to the dispute between Avastin vs. Lucentis.
Finally, there is evidence that confirms what many of us have been suspecting ... cheaper drug is as good as the more expensive drug!
The economic impact of this study will be powerful.
Better yet, the study showed that the administration "as needed" may be as good as a regimented therapy regular dosing every 4-6 weeks.

"Randy" Randall V.
Wong, MD
Ophthalmologist, retina specialist
Fairfax, Virginia


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