Friday, February 11, 2011

Wording Ideas To Congrulating

a clinical trial begins with bear bile for the treatment of retinitis Found

The Foundation for Fighting Blindness (American Association for the fight against blindness) will begin in the United States, A clinical trial in humans with bear bile, whose major component is tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA). The initiation of this clinical trial is based on the research project team Dr. Nicolas Cuenca Navarro of the University of Alicante, awarded FUNDALACE few years ago
Madrid, February 11, 2011 (
The Foundation for Fighting Blindness (American Association for the fight against blindness) will begin in the United States, a human clinical trial with bear bile, whose major component is tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA). The initiation of this clinical trial is based on animal experiments which have shown therapeutic activity.
bear bile, whose major component is tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) has been used in Asia for over 3,000 years to treat visual disorders. In retina has been a reduction of apoptosis in photoreceptors, as well as conservation and b-wave electroretinographic records in animal models of retinitis pigmentosa.
In Spain, the group of Dr. Nicolás Cuenca Navarro of the University of Alicante has described its effectiveness in the P23H rat, an animal that has a mutation in the rhodopsin gene and developed retinitis pigmentosa in a similar manner to that present in humans. This study together with those made in the mouse RD10 has been the basis for the commencement of this trial American. Implementation of the project
Dr. Cuenca has been possible thanks to funding FUNDALUCE and others (ONCE, Mutua Madrilena and MICINN). In 2008, awarded the First Prize FUNDALUCE City of Albacete, worth 30,000 €, the project entitled "Therapeutic Potential of antiapoptotic and antioxidant in the degeneration of the retina and regulation of circadian cycles in models of retinitis pigmentosa."
This is a clear example of how research can achieve the development of therapies that can help fight blindness and demonstrates the importance of continuing to support research, sign Germain Lopez President of the Federation of Associations of retinitis pigmentosa in Spain ( FARP).


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