Predictor, as the World Cup starts tomorrow. The forecasts have been sent and captured, as are now available to everyone on this site. In the end, we will be 20 who participate in it. Although initially expected an increase on this, an apparent "crisis" caused them to fall some of the potential participants.
Either way, we will be 20, which, for the curious, can be divided in the following ways:
• 10 who live in Mexico City, 8 who live in Merida and 2 which do in Utrecht, Holland.
• 5 women and 15 men, though one with homosexual tendencies.
• 8 persons belonging to Makech Industries, 6 graduates of the School Piaget, 3 graduates of the Model School, 2 Dutch married hunted and Yucatan, and a Dutchman who was more ready.
The amount of cumulative total to $ 5,000.00 MN At first it was mentioned that divided the pools into 2 parts, the first phase and second phase, but due to the resulting difficulties for some participants, it was decided that this is limited the first stage, so that all money raised will go to the participant with the most points at that stage. I hope this does not constitute inconvenience to any of you really think not. Otherwise, please send me your complaint to reach an agreement.
are encouraged to copy the table of forecasts in their computers, so that later there is no doubt the veracity of it. For its part, the scoreboard of the participants will be published in this website will be updated every day.
The Merida will pass their money, either Eliel Orozco, Ledesma Jerome well. Chilangos should address the currency issue with a server. In early July, when making a trip to Merida, will deliver the money for the winner.
As you can see, there is a column with forecasts incomplete. This is the case of Miss Karina Alatorre, Makech Industries worker, and for work, I know, could not complete your pool on the due date. For this reason, it made an exception and has predicted only matches on Friday June 11, the same day that I get the rest of their forecasts, failing to go losing points in games which do not have to provide timely . Those participating in the Euro 2008 Predictor recall that there was a similar situation with a Dutch participant, it was resolved without a hitch.
results in yellow, is because these Quinielas were made by hand and did not quite understand some number. Tomorrow will solve these doubts.
If some results have been transcribed incorrectly, please let me note as soon as possible.
nothing else at the moment, I send heartfelt greetings and wish you the best of luck (lie).
Rafael Capetillo.
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